
TNO (formerly ECN) presents the revolutionary HybSi® membrane that allows you to save up to 50% of energy and costs, increase product quality and reduce side products of separation processes significantly.

Dehydration of organic solvents and mixtures is an energy intensive process. Distillation and other thermal separation methods account for 80% of the energy consumed for industrial separations, which shows the need for more efficient separation. The HybSi® membrane can replace classical separation processes such as distillation. HybSi is stable in water at high temperatures, in (a)protic solvents, and in the presence of acids, which makes this membrane innovative in all ways compared to alternatives such as polymer and ceramic pervaporation or vapour permeation membranes. More details are provided in technology.

By using the hybrid silica membrane in dehydration or methanol removal from organic solvents and mixtures via pervaporation or vapor permeation important savings in both CAPEX and OPEX are possible, see the table below. Important fields of application are e.g. the dehydration of solvents like alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, aprotic solvents, organic acids, or to increase the productivity by water removal in reactive systems like esterification reactions. By combining the membranes with distillation in hybrid processes capacity increase or process debottlenecking is possible.

HybSi: a product of TNO

As TNO, a leading research centre in the field of amongst others energy innovations, we are specialized in liquid separation and conversion. Our state-of-the-art knowledge and market oriented approach as well as the close collaboration with our clients have earned us a leading position in energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. The large expertise and experience in the field in addition to the public relations and networking reputation makes TNO a perfect partner for technology and market development for energy solutions such as HybSi® membranes.

Team up with TNO to innovate your business with breakthrough technologies: 

Contact HybSi membranes

Ir. Yvonne van Delft
Process Efficiency & Flexibility Sub Proposition Lead, Sustainable Technologies for Industrial Processes (STIP), Unit Energy & Materials Transition (EMT), TNO
Visiting address: Westerduinweg 3, 1755 LE Petten, The Netherlands
Postal address: P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands
E-mail: info@hybsi.com
Tel: +31 (0)88 866 23 58