Thank you for taking interest in the general information about HybSi® pervaporation and vapor permeation membranes. On this page you can find leaflets and presentations about HybSi®. The general information can be accessed by clicking on the link. The most recent information per category:
– flyers
– oral presentations
– poster presentations
HybSi® pervaporation tool – Pervatool: a modeling tool for PV process design
Pervaporation is the selective evaporation of one of the components of a liquid mixture using a membrane. Up to now no suitable unit operation for pervaporation is available in process simulation tools like Aspen Plus. TNO’s Pervatool solves this and can now be added to your Aspen Plus process library >>.
HybSi® pervaporation membranes
HybSi® is the trade name of a recently developed nanoporous membrane system with an unprecedented high stability under both hydrothermal and acidic conditions. The membrane material unites organic and ceramic parts, and the best of both worlds are combined in this true hybrid material. >>
Pervaporation with HybSi® membranes
In close collaboration with the interested clients TNO assesses the suitability of HybSi® membranes and confirm this by small scale lab tests. An on-site pilot test would be a logical continuation for the successful cases. For this purpose TNO has a complete pilot-scale skid unit available. >>
HybSi® pervaporation module
Test module containing the HybSi® membrane with high hydrothermal and acid stability. >>
Selected Oral presentations
Development of HybSi Membranes for Esterification Reaction Dehydration
Mahdi Nikbakht Fini
2nd Edition of Winter School on “Membrane and Membrane Reactors”, 27-28 January 2025, Eindhoven, The Netherlands >>
Lab and pilot scale pervaporation process for the purification of DiMethyl Carbonate
H.M. van Veen, M. van Tuel, A. Motelica, J.F. Vente, Joon Hyun Baik, Jungho Cho
Presented at the Advanced Membrane Technology VII, Cork, Ireland, September 11 – 16, 2016 >>
The HybSi® membrane: from research to industrial demonstration
J.F. Vente
Presented at the NMG Matchmaking event, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 22 November 2010 >>
Pushing membrane stability boundaries with HybSi® pervaporation membranes
H.M. van Veen, R. Kreiter, D.P. Shanahan, M.D.A. Rietkerk, M.M.A. van Tuel, H.L. Castricum, J.E. ten Elshof, J.F. Vente
Presented at the NAMS-ICIM 2010 conference, Washington (USA), 17-22 July 2010 >>
Process performance improvement by Hybsi® nanosieve membranes for dehydration by pervaporation
H.M. van Veen, A. Motelica, D.P. Shanahan, R. Kreiter, M.D.A. Rietkerk, H.L. Castricum, J.E. ten Elshof, J.F. Vente
Presented at Euromembrane 2009, Montpellier, (France), 6-10 September 2009
Hydrothermal stability of silica-based membranes
R. Kreiter
Presented at XVth International Sol-Gel Conference, Porto de Galinhas (Brasil), 22-27 August 2009
Organic-inorganic hybrid microporous membranes (HybSi®) for pervaporation applications
J.F. Vente
Presented at NanoMemCourse Winterschool, Skeikampen (Norway), 8-15 March 2009
Hydrothermally stable pervaporation membranes
H.M. van Veen, R. Kreiter. C.W.R. Engelen, M.D.A. Rietkerk, H.L. Castricum, J.E. ten Elshof, and J.F. Vente
Presented at Aachener Membran Kolloquium, Aachen (Germany), 29-30 October 2008
and 2008 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Honolulu (USA), 12-18 July 2008
Hydrothermal stability of a new hybrid membrane in dehydration applications
J.F. Vente
Presented at Innovation for Sustainable Production, Bruges (Belgium), 22-25 April 2008
Selected Posters
‘Pervamodel’ enables optimization of single and multichannel pervaporation system design
M. Saric´, H.M. van Veen, Y.C. van Delft
Presented at the Euromembrane 2018 conference in Valencia, Spain, July 9 – 13, >>
Acetic acid dehydration using HybSi®-AR membranes
H.M. van Veen, M.M.A. van Tuel, Y.C. van Delft, E.R. van Selow and A. de Groot
Presented at the 10th European Congres on Chemical Engineering, Nice, France, 27 September – 1 October 2015, >>
HybSi®-AR membranes for acetic acid dehydration
Henk van Veen, Marc van Tuel, Marielle Rietkerk, Anatoli Motelica, Jaap Vente
Presented at the 2014 Membrane Symposium – 14th Poster Day Membrane technology, Aachen, Germany, 8 September 2014, >>
Process testing of hybrid silica (HybSi®) pervaporation membranes
Henk van Veen, Marc van Tuel, Marielle Rietkerk, Marcel den Exter, Jaap Vente
Presented at the international Conference on Inorganic membranes – ICIM-12 – Enschede (the Netherlands), 10-13 July 2012 >>
Process calculatuion tool for pervaporation membranes
Anatolie Motelica, Henk van Veen, Jaap Vente
Presented at the international Conference on Inorganic membranes – ICIM-12 – Enschede (the Netherlands), 10-13 July 2012 >>
HybSi® membranes for dehydration of organic solvents
Henk van Veen, Robert Kreiter, and Jaap Vente
Presented at the NAMS-ICIM 2010 conference, Washington (USA), 17-22 July 2010 >>